Medieval Combat
There are several different forms of combat in the Society. There are as follows: rattan fighting (heavy combat), combat archery, youth combat, and rapier fighting. Each of these styles of combat have their own armor and safety requirements. The Barony of Seleone holds fighter practice every Wednesday evening at Broken Oaks. This allows the populous to hone their skills and work on armor.
If you have any questions about fighter practices, armor or how to get involved in medieval martial arts, please contact either Sir Briar or Duke Loric. Their contact information can be found on the Officers page.
If you have any questions about fighter practices, armor or how to get involved in medieval martial arts, please contact either Sir Briar or Duke Loric. Their contact information can be found on the Officers page.
Rattan Fighting
This sport is often called "heavy fighting". It requires fighters to wear armor and use swords made of rattan. The armor protects fighters from serious injury. Yes, injuries do and can occur! To fight in a tournament you have to be authorized. Combat archery is also involved with heavy fighting, but they use specialized bows and arrows to fire at combatants.

Youth Combat
Yes! The kids can get in on the action, too!!! Youth combat is a great way to let your kids learn a medieval martial art. There are different age brackets so that children play with others their age and size.
Division1: Ages 6-9
Division 2: Ages 10-13
Division 3: Ages 14-17
The listed age range for each division is not absolute. The Marshallate recognizes that some youth will be very small or very large for their age, and that some will mature earlier or later than others. Younger combatants may be moved to a higher division or older combatants may be allowed to remain in a lower division, on a case-by-case basis, at the request of the parent and with the approval of the marshals. They wear more modern sports gear masks and use foam boffer weapons. There are Youth Marshals to help teach children and supervise their training to ensure safety.
Parents are required to attend activities. Youth Combat is not a babysitting service and parents must be present for children to participate.
Division1: Ages 6-9
Division 2: Ages 10-13
Division 3: Ages 14-17
The listed age range for each division is not absolute. The Marshallate recognizes that some youth will be very small or very large for their age, and that some will mature earlier or later than others. Younger combatants may be moved to a higher division or older combatants may be allowed to remain in a lower division, on a case-by-case basis, at the request of the parent and with the approval of the marshals. They wear more modern sports gear masks and use foam boffer weapons. There are Youth Marshals to help teach children and supervise their training to ensure safety.
Parents are required to attend activities. Youth Combat is not a babysitting service and parents must be present for children to participate.

Rapier Fighting
Rapier fighting armor requirements are different because they're using real metal rapiers with rubber tips to prevent injury. As with armored combat, to fight in a tournament you must be authorized.
Kids can participate in rapier fighting also. Please contact Duke Loric if you have any questions about how to get started.
Kids can participate in rapier fighting also. Please contact Duke Loric if you have any questions about how to get started.

Live Weapons
The bow and arrow, the axe, knife and spear- these weapons were essential for hunting, defending territory, or in competition against others.
The Society offers a chance to sharpen these skills off the battlefield. Competitions let us test our abilities against ourselves and citizens of other kingdoms.
The Society offers a chance to sharpen these skills off the battlefield. Competitions let us test our abilities against ourselves and citizens of other kingdoms.

Pictures credited to: Róis and Duchess Danielle de la Roche
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