Baron and Baroness

The rights, duties, and privileges of the Territorial Nobility are granted by the Crown of Gleann Abhann to those persons most fit to represent the Crown. They are granted with the advice and petition of the Baronial populous and are the voice of the Crown within their territories. They are responsible for the security and internal peace of their territory. They also have the right to bestow Baronial awards as they see fit.

Baron: Æduin Hacke (Eddie the Hack)
Baroness: Deborah of Haleshaven



The Seneschal is the chief administrative officer and legal representative of the Barony.

Seneschal:Lord Skúli Bjornkarlson  



The Exchequer is the Baronial Treasurer. This office is responsible for maintaining the Baronial accounts and keeping track of all money handled by the Barony.

Exchequer: Duchess Diana of the Isles



The Herald coordinates several areas of activity. Book heraldry involves helping people research unique names and devices for their personae. Field heraldry coordinates the heraldic display, and the precedence, arrangement and announcement of matches on a tournament field. Criers make announcements during events. Court heraldry requires knowledge of the conduct of Royal courts, proper use of titles, name pronouncement, and etiquette.

Herald: Mistress Daphne of Colchester

Knight's Marshal

The Knight's Marshal is responsible for all fighting- related activities in the Barony. This includes making sure that new fighters are safely and properly trained and authorized. They also see that there are marshal available to supervise during events, demos, etc.

Marshal: Duke Syr Loric Sylvestris


Rapier Marshal

The Rapier Marshal is responsible for rapier- related activities in the Barony. This includes making sure that new fighters are safely and properly trained and authorized.

Marshal: Duke Syr Loric Sylvestris


Minister of Arts & Sciences

The Minister of Arts & Sciences encourages local artists, and lets the Kingdom know what our artisans are doing. The Minister of A&S is a good person to contact when looking for local A&S resources or looking for someone who has knowledge of a skill or specific art.

Minister of Arts & Sciences: Marareta Musikant



The Historian records the events and happenings that effect the Barony, in scrapbooks, photo albums, on video, and in writing. This officer works hand in hand with the Herald to keep track of awards given to members of the Barony.

Historian:Dame Dediana du Corwyn



The Webminister is in charge of maintaining the Baronial website, social media pages, and electronically distributing the Baronial newsletter. Current knowledge of web-design and web-publishing languages is essential for this position.

Webminister: THL Giovanna daCorlione



The Chronicler's traditional duty has been the publication of the Baronial newsletter, "A Sealion's Tale".

Lady Marivel



The Steward keeps track of the Baronial stuff. Over the years, quite a bit of stuff has been accumulated, including a trailer, in which to haul and store it. If you are running an event and are in need of something, please ask this officer if we have it before buying a new one.

Lord William

This is the recognized web site for the Barony of Seleone of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is maintained by Lady Róis de Ho. This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version. For information on using photographs, articles, or artwork from this web site, please contact the Webminister at She will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors. Copyright © 2023 Barony of Seleone. The original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site.